True Colours

So, I’ve been continuing on my path of focusing on me. It is happening. I’m killing it at work, I’m putting the steps in place to try and get transferred, I created my vision board and finally got the clarity I needed about what comes next. But it’s been hard, I’m not going to lie and here is why:

I’ve really struggled with my recent breakup. For the first time, I am actually processing the end of a relationship and not just blaming it all on myself. It is a different sensation and I, therefore, don’t really know how to deal. It doesn’t help when she even admits that it isn’t that she doesn’t care for you anymore, she just is going through a hard time and doesn’t know what to do but ditch the long-distance relationship. I think I am getting to a point of peace through, albeit, through anger. I’m f*cked off now because I think I’m realising that she had a bit of a fake side. She portrayed herself as this nice girl who has just been beaten down by her horrible ex. I’m not saying this isn’t true but she’s definitely not as innocent as she makes out. First of all, who dumps someone over text and then when they say that was shitty, turn it around and talk about how you have feelings too and your still the same person at the end of the texts. So I can’t say it was shitty that you dumped me over text because it hurts your feelings. Come on! Then we text and she admits that she does want to see me again, she just doesn’t feel comfortable asking that of me. Then ghosts me when I say OK, let’s have a conversation about this. If she really was this nice person she thinks she is she wouldn’t just ghost a person. I am so mad, but I think this is what I need to say f*ck her, I’m way to go for her.

OK, rant over. She’s not worth my time.


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