True Colours

So, I’ve been continuing on my path of focusing on me. It is happening. I’m killing it at work, I’m putting the steps in place to try and get transferred, I created my vision board and finally got the clarity I needed about what comes next. But it’s been hard, I’m not going to lie and here is why:

I’ve really struggled with my recent breakup. For the first time, I am actually processing the end of a relationship and not just blaming it all on myself. It is a different sensation and I, therefore, don’t really know how to deal. It doesn’t help when she even admits that it isn’t that she doesn’t care for you anymore, she just is going through a hard time and doesn’t know what to do but ditch the long-distance relationship. I think I am getting to a point of peace through, albeit, through anger. I’m f*cked off now because I think I’m realising that she had a bit of a fake side. She portrayed herself as this nice girl who has just been beaten down by her horrible ex. I’m not saying this isn’t true but she’s definitely not as innocent as she makes out. First of all, who dumps someone over text and then when they say that was shitty, turn it around and talk about how you have feelings too and your still the same person at the end of the texts. So I can’t say it was shitty that you dumped me over text because it hurts your feelings. Come on! Then we text and she admits that she does want to see me again, she just doesn’t feel comfortable asking that of me. Then ghosts me when I say OK, let’s have a conversation about this. If she really was this nice person she thinks she is she wouldn’t just ghost a person. I am so mad, but I think this is what I need to say f*ck her, I’m way to go for her.

OK, rant over. She’s not worth my time.


Day One

So, my ambition to focus has got off to a testing start. That relationship I was in. Well not anymore! She broke up with me – via text. That was lovely to wake up to. I think what is hardest right now is not to go back into my patterns of self-loathing and self-doubt. My usual rhetoric is to feel like something is wrong with me and I am not deserving of love and that no one will love me. That thought is creeping in and causing me distress but I’m fighting hard against that. Yes, I write this with tears in my eyes but I am not going to go down this dark hole. I am a loving and caring person. I’m smart, I’m funny. Yes, I have my flaws but the love I have to give and give out to those I care about outweighs those flaws. I am not going to sit here and think I don’t deserve love, I’m going to change my thinking and that the right love hasn’t found me yet. And if my now ex gf doesn’t see the person I am or can’t handle a relationship with the headspace she is in at the moment, then that is her loss. Because the person I am would have supported her through everything she was going through and I would have been that rock she needed.

What I am not going to let this do is derail me. I got to where I am without a partner by my side and I will continue to strive to become the person I want to be and achieve the things I want in life on my own.

I know I’ll be up and down for a minute but I’m going to drive this emotion to better myself. Rather than eat crap, which will inevitably make me feel worse; I’m going to get in the gym and get healthy. I’m going to focus on work and streamline hobbies and see them through. I’m going to work on me so I can continue to figure out better ways to love and appreciate myself and stop being so harsh to myself.

First few days and what a shitter. But what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and I am going to become a freaking gladiator.

Photo by Bruno Bergher on Unsplash


Time to Focus

So, I started the New Year by writing about the things I was grateful for in 2017. We are only a few weeks into 2018 and as predicted, there was no way it was ever going to reach the epic proportions of last year. It’s been a struggle, to say the least, so I’m going to get the negativity out and then turn it to positivity as I focus on what I need. As per this is me just getting out of my head, the things that keep swirling around; sucking me into a dark vortex. Putting them on digital paper always helps me start to see clearer.

I’m over my job and I need a change but easier said than done. It’s so strange but as you get older there is definitely a shift. I have so much more to lose if I make what I perceive to be the wrong choice. And I can be incredibly hard on myself so those negative perceptions could break me. It’s like a never-ending circle – knowing I need to get out but not knowing how. It’s so draining. I’m figuring out how to cope and to make the most – I’m not going anywhere till I get my bonus in a couple of months. I worked hard for that coin. But then I really need to start acting on an exit plan, even if it does mean having to leave this awesome country and head back home.

I have a girlfriend. I know, that shouldn’t elicit negative feelings and it didn’t until recently. Things have just been weird and with my past history of relationships, it is taking my all not to jump. We are having a bit of a rough patch and in my head, that means the person is over it. We’ll see, I’m expecting the worst but I’m not going to pre-empt the worst…which is quite an achievement for me.

To top off the crappy start to the year I keep getting sick. Well, that isn’t symptomatic of this year but the last 12 months. For someone who is super active, it is really hard being sick all the time. You get into a rut and then you feel fat and unhealthy and that really takes a toll on your mental health. Couple that with the isolation of living alone and being sick so you don’t see anyone. Longgggg.

Now to the part where I stop drowning in self-pity and wake the f up. I can’t let anyone have that power to pull me down. Work sucks but I need to get out of it what I can and is good for my future development. My relationship may be rocky but I need to make sure I am number one and being in a relationship is just an added bonus. I want it to work but if it doesn’t I’m going to keep grinding until I shine. Hopefully focusing on me and bringing positivity to negative situations will help better my health problems. It’s time to focus on me, what I want and what I need. Time to get on track and start making the decisions I need to for me!

You Just Aren’t Worth It

So, for a long time I have had this things about wanting to be friends with people I have dated or been with. I guess I had cared about them at some point, so I felt like I didn’t just want to throw that away. Being down these past few weeks and yet again having that manifest in feeling ugly and not worthy of love has made me think about my past, my relationships and why I feel this way. And man, I have felt some fire and realised I am better than that.

I mean there have been lots of girls and lots of failed relationships. As I’ve got older I haven’t remained friends with all of them. Jade and I seem like a dream now. I barely remember her as someone I dated. We don’t talk anymore and that is fine. I don’t need to talk to her, I just hope she is well and truly apologise for the part I played in our tumultuous relationship. Anna, well that is a different story. We don’t talk and I wish we did but that is because I wish we could give us a go again. So not talking is the better option. The ones I notice I pine over a lost friendship the most are the ones who treated me like crap. So now is my time to get off my chest what I will never be able to say to them.

Emma – you constantly made me feel like crap, like I was crazy for liking you. I get that you were in a sh*t place after having your heart broken but that doesn’t give you the right to mess with me and make me feel like I was just a piece of meat. And then to be a coward when you found someone new and let them talk badly about me and disrespect me when they don’t even know me. Grow some balls and defend me when you know full well I’m a good person who did nothing but like you, when you were single may I add. Why am I clambering for your approval or friendship? Why am I making myself feel awkward and uncomfortable in your presence? No more love. You were lucky to get with this and you would be incredibly lucky to have me in your life in any capacity. I’m tired of feeling less than around you so you have to go!

Kelly – well you are the sh*tter that finally broke the camels back eh. I guess I have to thank you for f*cking me up so bad that I completely fell apart. At least in that I sort the help I needed, got diagnosed and started on a path to better my mental health. But wow were you just not a nice person, to me at least. Going mia for weeks on end without a text, being pretty rude at times, keeping me dangling not knowing where I stand, telling me how much you liked being with me but that you were just f*cked up. I can’t blame you entirely. I should have had more self esteem and more self worth to not take that and to walk away. I guess a life time of feeling less than and being told that as a black woman I am not as beautiful made me feel lucky to get what I could. It still doesn’t excuse it. You can’t be that horrible to people you are with as you are now engaged to the girl you blatantly cheated on me with. Still I made excuses for you with my friends and even tried to extend an olive branch at first. What I realise though, is you don’t give a f*ck about me or how you treated me so I should no longer give a f*ck about wishing you happiness and love in your life.

OK – rant over. Now it really is time to let those girls go and all my past relationships. Not to forget what they meant at the time or how they have shaped me, but to let go of continually trying to please and be accepted by those women. I need to get rid of this idea that I am less than. I may not look like Paris Hilton and that may mean that many people don’t even see me. That sucks so bad but there is nothing I can do about that and by fixating on it, I start to dislike my blackness. I love my blackness and I am proud of it. Instead I need to love me and be happy with me and be happy when someone looks beyond the superficial and looks at me and treats me the way I deserve.


The Last Single Friend

So. This is the first blog I am writing from Dubai. I made the move and I struggled through the first couple of weeks and now am living life. It is a good life for sure. I feel way less stressed, I’m learning to be more quietly confident as I put myself into new situations. I may even be going to a club on my own over the weekend, which even for me – who does so many things on their own – is a big deal. I always say I need to be better with this blog and write more, so I promise over the weekend I will right a proper blog about life in the sand aka Dubai. But right now, as with always, I need to use this space to get out my feelings and clear my head.

For those of you who have read this blog before (potentially no one but I ain’t mad at that), you’ll remember last summer I was dating two girls. Well the one that was perfect on paper ended up becoming one of my best friends. The spark wasn’t there and as I have said before, we were always meant to be friends. Well she’s just moved to London and in the space of a month has met someone. And someone who is actually decent and not a mind f*ck.

Now first of all, I’m going to practice what I preach in my New Years posts. I’m going to reflect and recognise the positive. Normally in situations like this even though I am 100% no longer interested in the person, I’d feel a way. A little jealous, maybe a little hurt. I’m not sure but all I know is I don’t feel that way. I think it is awesome my friend has met someone and as long as she doesn’t turn into that person who ditches all her friends when in a relationship, I really hope things work out.

But why I needed to get my feelings out. I guess the news has left me slightly numb, a little sad and completely defeated. It’s no longer that I’m afraid I’ll end up alone or that I’m not good enough. It has been a journey but I’m really starting to value me. And for those reasons I’m actually not even searching for anyone right now. I’m just enjoying my new life in a new place.
I know, I know – then what is my problem! My problem is I don’t want to be the last single friend anymore. I don’t want to hang around with my friends and be the seventh wheel. The one they say ‘oh you still haven’t found anyone yet’ to. I’m no longer searching for mrs right but it would be nice if mrs right now found me for a minute and I could have a person. It sounds silly I know but Laura and I got each other. We were both there working on us and not wanting to settle. We had that bond. And now she’s found someone that doesn’t make her settle and I’m out here feeling alone.

Anyway. It’s life and as I’ve said, I have to take the positives. I’m not jealous, I’m not out here feeling like something is wrong with me, I may be alone forever but that doesn’t scare me as much as I’m liking the person I’m becoming. But damn Lord, if you are listening, it’s been 30 years with one good relationship, one bad one to my name. Neither one of them continuously lasting more than a year. Throw me someone decent for like a year or two. I’ll be good, I promise.

Back to basics

I’m back. It’s been awhile. I wish i could say why. I’ve been trying to figure that out myself. At first i just thought i was doing better and therefore didn’t need to lean on this but then things got a little shitty and i just couldn’t bring myself to write. Anyway, i seem to now have something on my mind and am turning to my trusty blog to clear my head.

Life has been up and down. I’ve been back in therapy. Things are finally done with Anna and it got to me. Not because it was done, although i was gutted, but more for some of the things i said. I reacted and was cutting as i can be and i hated myself for it. It’s something I’m still not a fan of, but i guess i have to realise it that reactions are valid and my reaction was valid. In trying to better myself I’m trying to control every aspect of myself. I can’t. I’m setting myself up to fail if i try.

Once i got through that I’ve been good. Just focusing on the big move. Not sure I’ve mentioned but i am moving to Dubai! Super excited. I need a change. You know when you feel like life is just repeating itself and all the wild dreams you had as a kid are a distant memory to the monotony of the day to day. That’s how i feel. Nothing is exciting me. So I’m changing that. Sure it will be the same shit, but at least it will be a different toilet. I can’t wait to explore instead of fixating on being single because there is nothing else new and exciting.
I’m getting a bit anxious though. How will my battle with depression cope with moving to a completely new place where it is illegal to be gay.

Anyhoo. Hopefully now this is out I’ll get back to using my blog as a way to escape my mind. I do miss it.

Why so low?

I posted quite recently but my head is in a bit of a spin, so lets try and work through it.

The past few months but more noticeably the past week, have come with a lot of triumph and tribulation. I’ll start with the good but that’s not to say I’ll end with the bad.

Around a year ago what I like to refer to as ‘the beginning of the end’ started. I’d suffered with depression in the past i believe, but an relationship last year started the events that made me spiral so far I needed help. I invited the girl I’d recently started seeing to my birthday. She got super drunk and was a twat, we fought and well, we never really got things back on track. I won’t go into the rest as that’s what this blog has been about; but…insert the worst year of my life.
Fast forward to this year and I had that same birthday bbq. This year though, I didn’t focus on the girl I was dating  (and hadn’t invited the other one I’d recently stopped dating); I got my closest friends around me and had a wonderful time. Laughing, drinking and celebrating the fact I am lucky enough to have some of the best friends in the world. It really was great to sit back and reflect on how far I’d come. Almost 30 and things were looking good.

Unfortunately as I was basking in the glory and dealing with the mother of all hangovers, life caught up with my “winning” stance and now I am left pondering; why am I sad?

In my last post I mentioned that a lot has been going on and it was all finally hitting me. Well that was the gift that kept on giving. Work has gone from 50 to 500, I am drowning under the pressure (whether real or perceived) and can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. Trigger 1. Because I’m stressed I haven’t been sleeping well so am just exhausted. Trigger 2. I’m stressed and exhausted so am getting anxious about things in life like money. Trigger 3. Then the girl that I liked the most, the one I was focusing on. She decided to end it yesterday. Trigger 4 and as per the one that leaves me feeling the shitest.

Ironically I’ve been having the same feelings as her. It didn’t feel like we were dating. That’s more her attitude as it takes her awhile to be comfortable with someone like that and with the distance, even though we talked every night it just wasn’t the same. Even I must admit. The chemistry and feeling I’ve got with other girls I didn’t with her. I mean we were drunk, in a hotel room and I didn’t really try it on. Hellooooo. I’m like a horny teenage boy, I should have wanted to try it on. Doesn’t make it suck any less. I’m 30 in two days and have never had what I’d class as a real relationship. I’m not saying I want the one, but I just want someone to go some distance with. To love, to tell my family about, to fall asleep next to each night. This is another reminder I can’t seem to find that, which makes the fear I never will grow.

I promised I wouldn’t end on a negative so i won’t. I mean obviously my internal loneliness is a downer but I’m trying to look past that people.
Yes this sucks but at least I’m not obsessing over Laura and trying to change her mind. I’m seeing where the sadness actually lies or at least part of it. I’m noticing my triggers and realising this is so much more than the feeling of desire and rejection, but that is my outlet. And as a good friend suggested, I’m staying curious. Maybe I’m just sad for being sad. Not everything is this big drama that I need to over analyse. I was getting to know an amazing person, the first person who has been deserving and correct for my attention and now I’m not. Of course that is going to get to me. So I’m going to go into my 30s curious, optimistic and somewhat thankful that even though it didn’t work out, it was more because of circumstance. So I can take pride in the fact someone – who wasn’t a idiot and in fact has a beautiful soul – liked me for me and still thinks I’m amazing. Not that i need someone else to validate me, but I’m still a working progress so lets not front. It helps!

The little things

So i haven’t written in awhile. I have been meaning to and it’s not that I’ve been too busy…although I kind of have. I just didn’t know how to get it all on paper. That is a good and bad thing. Bad, because it means I’ve been holding a lot in my head, which gets me stressed, which adds to a depressive state. Good though because rather than just ramble streams of unconsciousness I’m understanding my feelings and conveying what is actually important.

I decided not to take the job in Singapore and i def made the right choice. Closing the door opened a window and i may be blogging from somewhere else by the end of this yr. Watch this space!

I’ve had a rough few weeks. The job decision really stressed me and took its toll. Making such a big decision made me realise my journey with depression is far from over. It was a factor in my decision to stay. Even with the decision made, i don’t think i properly appreciated how much making that decision had taken. I plodded along (very english phrase i know) thinking it was done but now realise how it continued to impact. I was stressed so started to fixate on something i didn’t have control over but wanted to control. Insert seeing two people. I started to do what i always did. I freaked about nothing major, i was insecure, i over analysed everything! These women became my existence and that just left me feeling worse.

It came to a head a couple of weeks ago. One of the girls i was seeing ended up in rehab and rightly so, she decided to slow things down so she could focus on her. 100% agree and she handled it well. I was of course sad but realised my growth. I didn’t try to change her mind or bend our relationship to fit her needs. I realised that i deserved to be a priority in the life of someone I’m dating and if they can’t make that happen then i need to bounce. Just so happened while all this was going down my other chic was away. I had a week of no women and it felt gooooddddd. I had already realised i was spiralling and needed me time so took it. And now, i feel like a boss. Big decisions = tick. Right job, right girl, right priorities in life e.g. i know it’s your leaving party but I feel low so I’m going to stay home and we can chill before you leave.

As for the little things. Well this makes me smile. I have a habit of wanting the fairytail (fu disney for selling a crap dream). I miss the little things. Well now i have one girl to focus on, I’ve taken note. Ok, she may not be ultra flirty or ultra touchy feely. Yes sometimes i worry that means she’s not in to me. But then when she calls me as soon as she gets back from hol or won’t send me a selfie because she looks crap and doesn’t want me to not fancy her or when she rearranges stuff so she can see me…little things people, they make the big picture.

Now i must not get carried away. Stay cool ninja. Stay cool.

Should I stay or should I go?

So, since the last blog things have been cool. I mean Beyonce dropped her new album; which is enough to make any situation better immediately! If you don’t agree we can’t be friends anymore.

In all seriousness though things have been cool. I once again have been humbled and a little surprised by how far I have come. Last time I was discussing my inner turmoil at dating two women. Although that wasn’t great (fyi – blogging really helped and I stopped obsessing after), what I did realise was I had stopped doing something I always did. I wasn’t comparing them. I always do it. A way of running away I guess. They aren’t as hot as my ex, this ones smart, that one isn’t etc etc. All sh*t to be honest but it is a good way to pick them apart so I don’t let them in. I hadn’t done that surprisingly, even though it would be easy to compare them to each other. I’ve seen each for what makes them beautiful and just focused on living in the here and now and getting to know them in their own right. Still no closer to knowing which one I may want to take things further with but that may not even be an issue now. Either way, I’m proud of myself and I’m going to take that little win.

The reason I may not have to even think about taking things further is that I’ve got an opportunity to move to Singapore. I can’t even tell you what a desire it has been to live and work abroad. So why aren’t I jumping for joy at this opportunity? I’ve been going back and forth for days. I’ll get to move abroad to a place where Asia will be on my doorstep! It is a promotion and therefore significant pay rise and if I hate it, I can just come back. But I’m leaving a job that is exactly what I want and puts me on the career path I want for one that will involve doing the parts of my current job I dislike all the time. I’ve never been to Singapore and have heard mixed reviews, it’s expensive and I don’t want to end up worse financially than I am now, it sounds like the work life balance isn’t as good, which with my depression is key, and I’m leaving behind my friends, my family and both the girls I’m dating like now. They want me to be there by end of May. I know people move and live their lives and I want to and will do the same but my head feels so fragile and I need that support structure to keep me level.

Don’t get me wrong, of all the dilemma’s to be in, this is an amazing one. It doesn’t make it easy though and as someone who wants to please people, my anxiety is going through the roof. If I leave I piss my boss off, if I don’t leave but don’t tell them asap, I piss off the team in Singapore who I work with on a regular basis. Literally bringing me to tears. Can someone please just tell me what to do?!

Take Two

So. It has been a while since my last blog and i guess that is for two reasons:

  1. I got busy and bogged down by the day to day, so didn’t find the time for something I should have.
  2. Things have been going really well and i didn’t really feel I had anything to say. Unless you want to hear about me going out at lot, which although entertaining, doesn’t really warrant writing about.

Something is changing and I feel my mind getting foggy, so it’s time to come back to my digital pen and paper and work through my shizz.

I’ve met someone. Well to be precise I’ve met two people and there lies part of the problem. Relationships are my trigger. I over think, I worry I won’t live up to this cool, smart individual I put out there, I think about the future and try to get there way to fast. Essentially, it makes me question all the things I’ve been working hard on in an effort to be a better me and believe in myself. So try doubling that worry.

I don’t know how people do it – have affairs. Not that this is an affair or anything but I’m sure if I said the wrong ones name at an inappropriate time – well I’d get bitch slapped like a man caught cheating on his mrs. I’m constantly worried I’ll mix up a convo or a fact or something. Black don’t crack but two women will age you.

One of them lives near me and the other in Manchester. I had a weird convo with the one from Manchester which shows progress, but requires a constant inner dialogue to calm myself down. Sensibly, she wants to get to know me slowly, see if this chemistry is real and not feel pressure to well, feel. She wants to see me but doesn’t want it to be like she comes all this way to see me or I go all this way to see her and then there is pressure. Totally get that and agree but then how do we see each other?! Especially when she says she’d feel strange coming to see our mutual friend here basically just to hang with me. It is taking everything in my being not to take that as a personal attack and throw my toys out the pram. She’s right but in my head I’m like ‘well what’s the point, we’ll never get to know each other, I’m just going to cut my losses’ blah blah blah. Standard I’m going to run away and blame you before I get hurt stuff. But what do I do?

The fog in my head isn’t helped by the fact I’ve also met this amazing girl near home. She is more open, is someone I can see more and someone who has made it clear she wants to see me. The over thinker in me though is scared I’ll make past mistakes and just let things spiral with her and before I know it, I’m falling for someone I maybe shouldn’t but they are there and I want the shit disney sold to me as a child that has ruined me as an adult.

Man. What to do! I know if I’m not careful these women and this situation will consume me and all the great work I’ve done will be warn away. I guess I just have to keep telling myself to take it one day at a time, don’t think about the future but live in the now. And most importantly, know that this person I am being with both of them is the real me. Or at least part of the real me. I don’t need to feel like I’m a fraud, I need to believe the awesome things they say and the way i put myself across is actually me. And well, that person is pretty amazeballs so whatever the outcome of this situation, I’m going to be ok.